HEPA Vacuum Cleaner | HEPA Filters

Vacuum Cleaner

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    The vacuum cleaner is an electrically driven machine which is used to suck the detritus from floor cushioning and other surfaces The other name used for a vacuum cleaner is carpet sweeper. It made convenience for us in cleaning homes, offices, etc. It is portable, easy to handle, easy to driven. It can remove dust from different shapes objects without doing any tiresome efforts.


     A little about the history of vacuum cleaner is the first known vacuum cleaner was invented in 1860 which was a manual vacuum cleaner. Nowadays various kinds with different technologies, forms, shapes, capacities in the market. Due to its first 80's simple manual model i is also known as a carpet cleaner.


    the vacuum cleaner may look like a complex machine rather it is user friendly, easy to handle. It consists of some major essential component.
    1. Intake port
    2. Exhaust port
    3. Electric motor
    4. Fan 
    5. Porous bag
    6. Housing

    Working of Vacuum cleaner

    When you plugin the machine and turn the switch on following steps usually occur in sucking the debris.
    1. The electric motor starts to run as the switch on which is directly attach to the fan. 
    2. the fan involve in vacuum cleaner have blades.
    3. When electric current passes through the motor fan causes the air too force forward toward exhaust port.
    4. The density of tiny dust particles become high in front of fan and low behind he fan.
    5. The pressure of air  behind the fan drops down than the atmospheric pressure. thus the air from outside enters in vacuum cleaner through intake port.
    6. Thus this way the machine collects the dirt particles through process of friction.

    Kinds of vacuum cleaner

    There are various kinds of vacuum cleaner due to their different technologies, forms,capacities and configuration since 1860 up to now.

    1. Manual vacuum cleaner
    2. Powered vacuum cleaner
    3. Domestic vacuum cleaner
    4. Modern vacuum cleaner
    5. Recent development 
    6. Modern configuration

    Manual vacuum cleaner

    In 1860 the first vacuum cleaner invented by Daniel Hess was a manual type. It was simple in form and easy to us although it is tiresome at that time. It gathered dust with rotating brush and had bellows for gathering suction. It was also known as carpet cleaner. Then in 1876 a new manual type manufactured having same working principle.
    vacuum cleaner

    vacuum cleanerPowered vacuum cleaner

    The end of the 19th century a new vacuum cleaner came with new technology which was officially electrically driven machine. It used some variation of blowing air to clean instead of suction.Then in 1901 a new type invented by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth which work on the principle of suction. It was easy to handle and user friendly.One person can handle it easily.

    Domestic vacuum cleaner  

    In 1905 a new machine which is portable and specially design for domestic use.It was portable , easy to store , and powered bay any one person easily at a time  who would easily remove dust using a removable , flexible pipe , to which a variety of shaped nozzles could be attached to remove debris from under or over different objects. Different designs were made by different people with a little upgrade model. Some use water to remove dust and some use suction method. Their sizes and weighs are according to the carrying capacity of the person.
                                                             vacuum cleaner

    Recent Development

    In 2004 a new hovering vacuum cleaner was invented that floats on cushion of air.It is light weight and easy to use.One of the recent also involve a type which use streams of air instead of vacuum too gathered dust particles.

    Modern configuration

    A wide variety of configuration, designs, technologies are now available in market for both domestic and offices.
    1. Canister
    2. Drum 
    3. Wet/Dry
    4. Back pack 
    5. Hand held
    6. Robotic

     vacuum cleanerCanister

    Canister models (in the UK also often called cylinder models) dominate the European market. They have the motor and dust collector (using a bag or bag less) in a separate unit, usually mounted on wheels, which is connected to the vacuum head by a flexible hose. Their main advantage is flexibility, as the user can attach different heads for different tasks, and maneuverability (the head can reach under furniture and makes it very easy to vacuum stairs and vertical surfaces). 


    Drum or shop vac models are essentially heavy-duty industrial versions of cylinder vacuum cleaners, where the canister consists of a large vertically positioned drum which can be stationary or on wheels. Smaller versions, for use in garages or small workshops, are usually electrically powered.
    vacuum cleaner


    Wet or wet/dry vacuum cleaners are a specialized form of the cylinder/drum models that can be used to clean up wet or liquid spills. They are generally designed to be used both indoors and outdoors and to accommodate both wet and dry debris; some are also equipped with an exhaust port or detachable blower for reversing the airflow, a useful function for everything from clearing a clogged hose to blowing dust into a corner for easy collection.

    Back Pack

    Backpack vacuum cleaners are commonly used for commercial cleaning: they allow the user to move rapidly about a large area. They are essentially small canister vacuums strapped onto the user's back.

    Hand held

    Hand held vacuum cleaners  contain either rechargeable battery or run on main power supply. It is used to cleaning up small objects, spill etc


    These machines move autonomously while collecting surface dust and debris into a dustbin. They can usually navigate around furniture and come back to a docking station to charge their batteries, and a few are able to empty their dust containers into the dock as well.

    vacuum cleaner


    • Vacuum Cleaner Saves Time and Energy

    Cleaning with vacuum cleaner is not only hygiene but also it more secure than cleaning manually using broom. Vacuum cleaners capable to clean within tens of minutes whereas manually cleaning takes approximately hours. With vacuum cleaner, you can achieve the purpose of thorough cleaning within the shortest time possible. They are fast and easy to use. Additionally, you only need less effort and energy to handle vacuum cleaner.

    • Easy to use

    Installing, usage of vacuum cleaner is quite easy. Just plug into electricity socket and let move on the floor, anywhere you want to clean.

    • Removes allergen from breathing air

    Vacuum cleaner are equipped with HEPA or other type of filters which blocks, removes air borne disease causing germs, bacteria and viruses present in your home.

    • Removes pet hair

    Vacuum cleaners are expert in removing pet hair which are stuck in piles of carpet. Due to high suction power vacuum cleaner removes pet hair as well as bad odors from carpet.

    • Vacuum cleaner comes with advanced features

    Vacuum cleaners of nowadays have series of sophisticated features that you cannot even envisage. When you have vacuum cleaner with sophisticated features, cleaning will be easy for you. Furthermore, with vacuum cleaners with advanced features, you will always get the benefit of having automatic surface revealing sensor to ascertain and work effectively.

    • Discern the quantity of dirt and set settings

    You will get the benefit of setting up the available alternatives robotically, if you buy the robotic vacuum cleaner. In addition, the vacuum cleaner will become aware of the amount of dirt and work accordingly. As a result, you are not expected to operate the machine physically in order to do the cleaning of your home for you.

    • Clean your home even when you are away

    The robotic vacuum cleaners will clean your home, even when you are not at home. Thanks to their advanced features that can make them work robotically.


    • Heavy to lift

    Vacuum cleaners are bulky, cumbersome machine that often hard to move around the home. Moreover, in case of upright vacuum cleaner it almost impossible to move up and down stairs. Vacuum cleaner was manufactured in a fairly large size, although not heavy. Moving and storing of this device will require a big place.

    • Running electricity bill

    Depending on the vacuum cleaner model uses hundreds to thousands watts of electricity. Absolutely, if you are using vacuum cleaner, your electricity bill starts running.

    • No Reusable dustbin bags

    You have to buy reusable dustbin bags when you want to clean your home or other places because some vacuum cleaners don’t offer them.



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    5. Very useful and informative article


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