HEPA Vacuum Cleaner | HEPA Filters

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    Today the vacuum cleaner is the foremost need for cleaning your home. It made Convenience in your cleaning process by sucking debris and other dust particles. At the same time, it also improves air quality filtering those airborne infectious agents that prove worse for your health such as viruses, germs, & bacteria, pet hairs, etc. As health is the first priority you may not want to compromise on your health. The HEPA vacuum cleaner comes for people who are allergic and sensitive to dust. The Vacuum equipped with HEPA filtration can help to improve indoor air quality in all areas, especially those where allergies are a concern.
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    What Are HEPA Filters?

    HEPA filters stand for High-Efficiency Particulate Air is a designation used to describe filters that trap 99.97% of the particles. HEPA filters are composed of the fiberglass of diameter 05 to 2.0 diameter. The air space between filter fiber is 0.3 or maybe less. This does not mean that the filter cannot trap particles smaller than 0.3 microns, because many HEPA filters can it is simply the threshold that must be reached to carry the HEPA name. A cheap filter consists of a random arrangement of fine fibers rather than a regular weave and traps the particles through a mixture of direct impaction and interception. The overall process is complete with different mechanics predominating at different airflow rates.
    vacuum cleaner

    What is Micron?

    Particles range from ultra-microscopic to entirely detectable to the human eye. It is the unit of measure in the metric system. Microns are one-millionth of a meter. A micron is used to indicate the ability of a filter to trap contaminants by the size of the particles. You can estimate the size of a micron, consider that human aye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns in size. That's why HEPA filters can trap bacteria of size 0.3 to 0.6 microns, and viruses of size 0.1 micron.
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    Vacuum Cleaner as Air Purifier

    Have you ever thought about how to clean the air in your house? To most people cleaning refers to removing debris and detritus and cleaning up all the visible dust. Here your cleaning doesn't process accomplish. However, the dirtiest place in your home or offices may be the invisible air that you are breathing containing contagious particles such as bacteria, molds, viruses, and pollens,, etc may cause for the spread of airborne disease. To overcome this problem a HEPA vacuum cleaner contains HEPA Filter that has a certified sealed system that should be used to ensure that the tiny dust particles are trapped and no particles could escape out though any juncture. In this way HEPA Vacuum improves the indoor air quality. The higher the filter efficiency the higher the vacuum cleaner is. HEPA Vacuum is airtight so all the air comes in passes the filter none escape back to the air through any juncture. The small fiber of filters efficiently traps the particles of air by a special mechanism and giving out healthier clean air. Thus HEPA filters provide us long-lasting protection from allergens and minimizing diseases caused by other bacteria, viruses.
    vacuum cleaner

    How Does HEPA Trap Particles?

    Let's get deep into the structure of HEPA filters, think of it as a tight mesh of intricately tangled fibers that act as a barrier. This barrier contains the weaved material that contains pores in it to trap the dust particles, hair, and other debris. the HEPA filters trap the dust and other airborne particles in an array of three different steps.

    • Interception
    • Impaction 
    • Diffusion
    vacuum cleaner


    The particles of the large size usually above 0.4 microns get trapped by the process impaction. In this process, to remove the particles air is forced to make a sharp bend. The particle of large size have higher momentum thus may not follow the air stream and get hit to the fiber of filter and trapped.


    Particles of medium size about 0.3 microns in diametre come in contact with the fiberglass in an airstream and adhere to it via interception. Interception involves the physical contact of a particle with fiberglass and becomes adheres to it. The particle has not strong inertia to continue in a straight path.


    The smallest particle gets trapped by the process of diffusion. This process occurs by the collision of the particle with the air molecules. Diffusion occurs when the random motion (Brownian motion) of a particle occurs. When particle leaves an area within the media, by attraction and trapping it creates an area of lower concentration so that another particle diffuses only to be captured itself.

    Pros and Cons of HEPA Vacuum

    If everything has prons then on the other side it also has cones. This will guide you in choosing the one that fits you best. Here is the list of some pros and cons of the HEPA vacuum.

    vacuum cleaner

    Pros of HEPA vacuum

    The HEPA technology vacuum has many benefits that it provides as an air purifier. Here we are going to list some benefits

    • No Emission of Byproducts
    • Effectiveness
    • Ideal for Allergy Suffers
    • Long Life Span

    No Emission of Byproduct

    HEPA vacuum contains HEPA filters.that are environment friendly and unlike other technologies that do not emit hazardous byproducts like ionizers, ozone, and PECO produce a hazardous byproduct.


    AS HEPA filters in HEPA vacuum have pores in fiberglass of 0..3 or less micron it can effectively trap large dust particles to the smallest invisible bacteria, molds, and viruses.

    Ideal for Allergy Suffers

    HEPA vacuum proves beneficial for people who suffer from allergies. During cleaning, it can remove the airborne particles and passing out the clean healthy air. Thus improves the indoor air quality.

     Long Life Span

    HEPA filters in vacuum cleaner have a long life span usually last about 2-3 years. In comparison to other filters like carbon, HEPA filters can last for a long time. Thus you have less cost associated with the maintenance of your vacuum's filter.

    Cons of HEPA Vacuum

    There are some cons associated with the HEPA vacuums. Here is a list of cons.
    • More Expensive
    • Mold & Bacteria Growth on Filter

    More Expensive

    HEPA vacuums due to the presence of HEPA filters are supposed to be highly expensive than the simple vacuum. There is a range of prices depending upon the quality of HEPA filters is used.

    Mold & Bacteria Growth on Filter

    When HEPA filters trap the airborne particles like bacteria, molds, and viruses, these organisms can multiply and thus can release back to the air. If your environment has a personal issue of these microorganisms then you must use HEPA vacuums with a combination of UVC light that can kill the microorganism collected in the filters.

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