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Are Expensive Vacuum Cleaners Worth The Extra Cost?

vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners come at different prices some at the low price and some at the high prices. You get confused about the range of options you have.
You may buy a low price or go for the expensive one. Now the potential question is which one will worth its cost? Is there a great difference between cheap and expensive? To take a better decision lets have a look at the major features of both.

    Benefits of Expensive Vacuum Cleaner 

    The list of some pros of expensive vacuum is
    • Higher Quality 
    • Better Cleaning
    • HEPA Filters
    • More Features (Attachments, Accessories)
    • Longer Lifespan

    Higher Quality

    One of the main reasons for expensive vacuum cleaners is their high-cost parts. For making a high-quality vac its parts must be of high quality. So, the more high-quality vac the higher the cost of the vacuum. such as their high-quality metallic body, high-quality HEPA filters, and motors thus show high performance.

    Better Cleaning 

    Better performance lies upon the presence of high-quality parts thus expensive vac tends to remove more dirt and keep your home tidy. Expensive vac has more advanced features like being able to turn the brush roll on and off, we can clean the hardwood and bare floor conveniently.

                    vacuum cleaner

    HEPA Filters

    Some of the people suffer from allergies, asthma, pollen allergens, and some other breathing problems. All vacuums use filters but not able to filter pollen and mold but expensive vacuums contain High-quality filters known as HEPA filters are short for High-Efficiency Particulate Air and it is great to remove this extra dirt from your atmosphere.

    More Features (Attachment, Accessories)

    Another reason why the expensive vacuum is so expensive is that they come with more advanced technology and a variety of accessories and attachments. Besides these, they also consist of  LED light to indicate dust level in the bag, automatic height adjustments, laser dust sensors, and HEPA filters, etc. The standard attachments included the dusting brush, crevice tool, extension wands, pet hair removers,etc  These advanced features tend to make cleaning convenient for us.

                           vacuum cleaner

    Longer Lifespan

    One of the benefits of choosing an expensive vacuum cleaner is the longer lifetime and better cleaning.It tends to last for many years. This is due to the presence of high-quality parts which tend to last longer. Also, vacuum cleaners come with a warranty that lasts for five years or more. so it is quite reassuring to buy a more expensive vac, knowing that if anything happens to it in the net five years, the manufacture might've able to repair your vacuum free of cost.

    Disadvantages of Expensive Vacuum Cleaner

    Although expensive vac has a great hand for efficient cleaning. But like everything it has also some disadvantages.
    • More cost in Repairing
    • No need for Accessories
    • Unnecessary features

    More Cost in Repairing

    Even though expensive vacuums are expected to last quite a long time, even up to 8-12 years, they are still just electric appliances that are susceptible to damage, wear & tear and failure. Just like other appliances, they generally begin to really see some struggles after their warranties have expired, leaving you to foot the cost of repairs and replacements. professionals demand a great amount of money to fix it. Further, if any part is damaged then it increases the risk of wasting your money because of the high-quality part available at high prices.

                        vacuum cleaner

    No need for Accessories

    Not every consumer always needs these extra attachments to come with the expensive vacuum cleaner. Or the chance is if the customer gets no enough place to store these attachments ultimately these get misplaced and hard to find. Here the expensive vacuum lost its importance.

    Unnecessary features

    Higher prices always mean higher quality parts result in better cleaning. Expensive vacuum is high priced not because they do better cleaning or have attachments, new technology, and configuration but some other unnecessary feature which not average person need. like an LED display, a dust sensor, height adjustments, etc. These features make it more expensive but would not be used for cleaning purposes.

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