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Bagged vs Bagless Vacuum Cleaners

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There are many different types of a vacuum cleaner but at the core, there are two main types of vacuum cleaner, bagged and bagless. Both types of vacuums work similarly like to suck dust and debris from your home. Both contain the accessories, attachments, and extensions that will make cleaning those hard to reach places much easier for you.
However, the difference comes from how you dispose of the dust. Whether you go with a bagged or bagless vacuum cleaner. Both have their own benefits and drawbacks. Let's get deeper to know the pros and cons of both.

    The Benefits of Bagged Vacuum Cleaner

    Bagged vacuum cleaners present here for a long time. These types contain a dust bag that fits in a  proper section. When it gets full you can be easily replaced or removed whenever it gets full. Dustbags vary from model to model. Here some benefits came with a  bagged vacuum cleaner.

    • Hygienic option
    • Recommended for Allergy Suffers
    • HEPA Filtration
    • Require Less Maintenance

    Hygienic Option

    Bagged vacuums have proven very hygienic. They not only remove dust particles or debris also remove the allergens present in the air. One more important thing is that it no only remove the dust and allergens during its working time but also when you are removing the bag to dispose of the bag. It also prevents in making a mess and doesn't allow the allergens to come back in the environment affecting your health.

    Recommended for Allergy Suffers

    This type of vacuum is suitable for those who are allergy suffers. Like the bag, itself works as a filter it extracts dirt allergens form surroundings. Bags are airtight thus there is no chance for allergens to escape out the bag.

    HEPA Filtration

    Not all bagged vacuum cleaners have some type of filtration. However, some vacuums have a special type of filters known as HEPA filters. HEPA filters are able to collect about 99.7% allergens and pollens form air. These filters have very tiny pores of about 0.3 microns in size. They are highly recommended. HEPA filters are known to remove more dust and pollen than any other type of filter in the vacuum cleaner.

    Require Less Maintenance

    The vacuum cleaner has made our lives convenient and helps in maintaining its disposal.
    Bags can hold up to two pounds of debris so they don’t need changing nearly as often. As the filters are already attached to the bag then there is no need to clean the filter periodically simply remove the bag when it gets filled.
    et's focus on the important consideration- the method of which you dispose of the debris and dust your vacuum cleaner collects.

    The Disadvantages of Bagged Vacuum Cleaner

    While bagged vacuum cleaners have a lot of advantages and benefits with their use. On the other hand, it has lots of drawbacks. Depending upon the models, brand, and age their drawbacks also vary. If your vacuum cleaner is old and not available in the market nowadays then you may have difficulty in finding the bags. Although new vacuums have bags easily available and easy to handle. It doesn't mean they won't present some problems for you. The following list breaks down the most common drawbacks that come along with a bagged vacuum.

    • Must Buy More Bags
    • Decreased Performance as Bag Fills

    Must Buy More Bags

    Bags must be replaced every time they become full. This means you will ongoing cost to use your vacuum cleaner. And depending on the model you buy, the price of the bags will vary. So, think about how often you vacuum in your home, and then consider whether this recurring cost is worth it, especially when other types of vacuum cleaners don’t come with this stipulation. Additionally, if you’re in the middle of vacuuming and your bag becomes full, you may have to make a run to the store just to buy replacements.

    Decreased Performance as Bag Fills

    Even when the bag is not yet full it may affect the performance of the vacuum. Bags can fill dust up to 2 pounds. So when bags get 2/3 fill it decreases the performance. We can only optimize the performance by replacing the filled bag. In replacing bags our time. Now the point is it is hard to indicate when the bag is full it increases the risk of wasting your money also wastes your time in replacing the bag.

     vacuum cleaner

    The Benefits of Bagless Vacuum Cleaner

    Bagless vacuums something more interesting in the world of cleaning. Whether it is because people found them easier to use, clean and maintain, or just hated stocking up on (and running out of) replacement bags when they needed them the most. 
    Following is the list of some advantages of the bagless vacuum cleaner.

    • Less Expensive
    • Clear Chamber
    • Eco-friendly
    • Popular Option

     Less Expensive

    Once you have purchased your vacuum it is less expensive than a bagged vacuum. It is easy to cooperate and maintain. The reason behind its cheap price is because there is no need to buy more and more new bags frequently. It saves a lot of money.

    Clear Chamber

    In a bagless vacuum, there is a standard clear chamber which can easily be seen when it gets filled or about to fill. You may easily empty it when you find the chamber full. You can also easily estimate the functioning whether it is working perfectly as it should be.


    The bagless vacuum is more eco-friendly than the bagged one. In the former, you have to buy more and more bags and have to dispose of it often. In a bagless vacuum, you don't have to worry about buying new bags and their disposal. You may easily empty the machine into your compost bin.

    Popular Option

    Bagless vacuum cleaner became the most popular among people because there is no need to buy new bags, easy to dispose of dust, eco-friendy. If by chance vacuum takes up small things like socks, underwear, small toys, etc you can easily retrieve these while in bagged you have to cut open the bag to retrieve it.

    The Disadvantages of Bagless Vacuum Cleaner

    Indeed there are effective uses of a bagless vacuum and it is becoming the most popular one. On the other side, there are also some drawbacks which should be kept under consideration before buying your vacuum which makes convenience in choosing.

    • Increase Exposure to Allergens
    • Unhygienic

    Increase Exposure to Allergens

    Although there is no doubt in disposing of the dust easily there is also a problem you may expose more to the dust and allergens.here bagged vacuum exceed the bagless in bagged dust is packed in air-tight, not in the air-tight chamber. During disposal, most of allergens and dust set back in the air. 


    Some people think that a bagless vacuum is dirty. During disposing of dust you have to take more care. It requires more maintenance than a bagged one. You should do this outdoor so that no dust can be kicked back in the indoor air. You should wear plastic gloves before disposing of if you are allergic to dust.

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